
Solar panels dot the Dandi memorial!

There is a popular saying amongst Gujaratis using cricket parlance that when you hurl a bouncer at a Surti, he will not duck but try to hook it...and, I think that about summarizes the Surat mindset...a city and people who are always up for challenges, with a zest for life  and not to forget food.

However, not many would be aware that Surat also has a chequered history as it was an important sea post and therefore attracted a lot of foreigners who set up their trading posts and not to forget the Mughals and Marathas who always plundered the wealth it had at will.

The Surat of today is a very interesting city, clean after its plague experience and its indomitable spirit  making it a leading textile and diamond hub.

Khudavand Khan Fort, completely restored by Surat Municipality

Panoramic view of the Fort

Behind the fort across the river front

British Cemetery

 British Cemetery

British Cemetery

British Cemetery

Dutch Cemetery

Suvali Beach...clean, not at all crowded

Navsari-Atashbehram fire temple

Badruddin Tayebji's house at Dandi

Dandi Memorial

Depiction of Dandi walk through the entire period

Train life


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